The 5th Annual Anthem Awards - Coming Spring 2025

The Anthem Awards honors the purpose and mission-driven work of people, companies, and organizations worldwide. By amplifying the voices that spark global change, we’re defining a new benchmark for impactful work that inspires others to take action in their own communities.

The Anthem Awards accepts work across five areas of impact work including: Awareness, Fundraising, Community Engagement, Product, Innovation or Service and Team & Internal Initiatives for seven causes: Diversity Equity & Inclusion, Education Art & Culture, Health, Human & Civil Rights, Humanitarian Action & Services, Responsible Technology, and Sustainability Climate & Environment. 

Below you will find some key information to help you navigate entries:


The Anthem Awards is open to all organizations, non-profits, brands, foundations and individuals involved in purpose & mission-driven work.

To be eligible for the 4th Annual Anthem Awards, the project or campaign must be ongoing or have occurred between January 2023 and the entry deadline.

By submitting an Entry the Entrant warrants and represents that the Entry:

a)  is original and the entrant either owns the work or has permission from the owner or other appropriate party to enter the work;

b)  does not infringe on any rights (privacy or other) or intellectual property rights of any third party

c)  and all supporting materials that are submitted are factual and correct

d) does not violate any applicable laws

e) doesn’t contain messages, statements or ideas likely to discredit or call into question the reputation of the entrant, clients, credited individuals or The  Anthem Awards and its partners

f) does not contain pornographic material, propagate “hate” messages, make defamatory statements or is otherwise historically or culturally insensitive or offensive

g) is not fake or made as spec work

Any entry which violates any of these terms may be disqualified by Anthem Awards at any time; Anthem Awards and its partners will not be liable for any breach of of these or any other awards rules; responsibility for the entry and all supporting materials submitted is exclusive to the entrant submitting the materials.

Submission of any entry acknowledges the right of The Anthem Awards to use it for exhibition and publication in any medium.

Unacceptable Material
Entries that contain pornographic material, propagate “hate” messages, make defamatory statements or that are otherwise historically or culturally insensitive or offensive are not only unacceptable or not tolerated, they are also not eligible to win an Anthem.

Fake/Spec Work
Entries that are fake will not be eligible for judging.

Ineligible entries may be disqualified at any phase of the competition without notification.

Terms and Conditions of Entry/Usage
The Anthem Awards assumes all entries are original and the entrant either owns the work or has permission from a client or other appropriate party to enter the work, with all rights granted therein. In the event that an entrant without such rights submits an entry, the entrant will not be eligible for the competition. The Anthem Awards are not liable for any copyright infringement on the part of the entrant. Submission of any entry acknowledges the right of The Anthem Awards to use it for exhibition and publication in any medium.

Timely submission of an entry meeting the eligibility requirements and payment of the entry fee as stated herein ensures that an entry will be reviewed and considered for recognition. No other representation or warranty is made by The Anthem Awards concerning entries and all implied warranties are hereby expressly disclaimed.

If an entry receives an award, the manner and details of announcing such nomination and award is strictly within the discretion of The Anthem Awards. Entrant understands that all awards may not be given or publicized in the same manner.

Entries Deadlines

We are no longer accepting entries for the 4th Annual Anthem Awards. The 5th Annual Anthem Awards will open Spring 2025.